Tuesday, 5 August 2008

VMWare Infrastructure Client, mounting ISOs

I am working quite a bit with VMWare Infrastructure Client 2.5 to connect through to my ESX enviornment. I thought I would make a quick post about the frustation of mounting (some) Iso images. I have the following error message when attempting to some mount ISOs across the network for their virtual guests; "Please specify a valid image"

Now that is a very descriptive error message, with not a lot of help, eh? I know the image is fine as I am able to access it via WinIso and I am able to burn DVDs from it. The answer is one or both of the following problems;

1. The file extension was .ISO rather than .iso. Apparently VMWare Infrastructure Client does not like the ISO file extension to be in upper case, so it needed to be renamed to .iso

2. The file name of the ISO was too long. By default the ISO images you download from Microsoft Technet are in a very long format (6001.18000.080118-1840_amd64fre_Server_en-us-KRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.iso) and the VMWare Infrastructure Client does not like this length, rename it something smaller.

After performing one or both of the adjustments above, the ISO image mounts with no issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, lower case ISO:)